Thorned Fighter

A full-sized and yet fast fighter is one of my favorite knives to make.  And not because of the utility or practicality.  Too big for daily carry, too small to really chop wood.  So why do I love making big fighters?  Because no knife transports me into the lore and the childhood fascination of what a knife represents to my inner 10 year old than a knife like this.  A knife like this gives you permission to dream, to imagine where you might go and what you might survive with this knife on your side, and just maybe, you actually decide to go. 

The blade is my laminated steel, sharpened on the clip as well as the edge.  The Thorned guard is a irresponsibly pointy affair made of matte blued steel with a stainless spacer.  The handle is spalted maple.  The high-ride sheath is dragonskin. 

The blade is just over 8.5" long with an overall length of 13.5" 

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