Post-Apocalyptic Chopper
$ 2,800.00
Of the two Post-Apocalyptic swords, this was the first one I made. It seems to be the most outlandish of the two, and feels simultaneously incredible and preposterous at the same time. You will rightly believe there's not much it won't cut. It clipped mature 2" bamboo like it was dry pasta.
The blade is 80CRV2, forged to shape. One of the photos below shows the blade as it left the forge before any grinding was done. In fact, you can see the weight as forged (2.45 lbs) vs. it's current weight of 1.87 lbs. after grinding the bevels and fullers. The blade shows forge texture around the ricasso with the whole blade finished in my wicked patina finish.
The handle is wrapped in cotton and nylon cord in a neo Japanese style, then coated in epoxy. The epoxy penetrates into the cord making it hard and durable, but since it is fully absorbed, the cord retains the look and feel of bare cord without the appearance of any epoxy.
The scabbard has a baldric for cross-shoulder carry with an adjustable buckle to customize the ride height.
Blade 16", width 2.5"+ (at the widest point), overall length 24"